aurélie abadie + sauques samuel

Our works group on the notion of "sensitive space ", corner stone of our universes where we play in to "fill the space", literally, between bodies, between rocks, where sometimes the emotion, sometimes the reason or the dream take shape there.
We try to embody our relation to the world in this material allowing to seize our interiority, to highlight this immense set which the look crosses without ever seeing it, to make the simple and direct experience of what exists between one and the other one, between one and the world.

Voille d'isis II

Collection art

The daily life of man is initially invisible. It is invisible because it is covered by several veils which prevent us from grasping its meaning: the veil of appearance, the veil of opinion, the veil of belief, the veil of habit. The philosophical tradition has always given itself the mission of lifting these veils and thus ridding our lives of what obscures their meaning.

Available at the Serge Lechaczynski gallery - Biot

Polished cut molded glass and enamel

Created in 5 2024 · available for sale
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Voille d'isis II

Collection art

The daily life of man is initially invisible. It is invisible because it is covered by several veils which prevent us from grasping its meaning: the veil of appearance, the veil of opinion, the veil of belief, the veil of habit. The philosophical tradition has always given itself the mission of lifting these veils and thus ridding our lives of what obscures their meaning.

Available at the Serge Lechaczynski gallery - Biot

Polished cut molded glass and enamel

Created in 5 2024 · available for sale
Informations request